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Frederick E. Berry Library and Learning Commons

Social Work

A guide to Social Work resources and library research.

Massachusetts Policy/Law/Legislation Resources


Massachusetts Legislature - General Laws Search search for MA law and bills


MA Trial Court Libraries  MA law resources by subject and by source also chat reference help.  Their page on MA Law on Public Benefits.


MA State Library The Commonwealth's library located at the State House supports the research and information needs of government, libraries, and the public through innovative services and access to a comprehensive repository of state documents and other historical items  Chat and email reference help available.


Massachusetts Social Services

Federal Policy/Law/Legislation Resources


Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute (LII)

A direct link to their Supreme Court Collection.  A research and electronic publishing activity of the Cornell Law School.


Guide to researching federal statutes (Law Library of Congress Guides) which includes by popular name option

Provides access to congressional legislation, the Congressional Record, and floor activities in Congress.  Goal of maki ng federal legislative information freely available to the public.    


Major Acts of Congress (Library resource)  Major acts of Congress explained.


Government Laws and Regulations  Popular laws and regulations


Congressional Research Service Reports  From the University of North Texas Digital Library this collection tries to provide integrated, searchable access to full-text CRS reports previously found on varying websites. CRS is the public policy research arm of Congress. 

Legal Databases

In addition to Googling .gov sources you can try these resources for finding laws, policies, or other legal information...