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Frederick E. Berry Library and Learning Commons

Help & Services

Access to and Use of the Building

The library is open to SSU Students, faculty, and staff, the local community, and the general public.

Access to Online Databases and Electronic Resources

Direct access to the library’s databases and online resources is available at via all campus computers and any devices connected to the SSU Wi-Fi. If you are off campus and not connected to SSU Wi-Fi, you will be prompted to enter your SSU network ID and password. Your network ID is the same as your email username. For more information about getting a network ID or for problems, contact ITS at or 978-542-2036.

Remote access to Berry Library databases is restricted to members of the university community, i.e., current students, faculty, and staff. Restrictions are due to the limitations of our licensing or subscription agreements. Anyone is welcome to unlimited use of the databases via the computers within the library.


Service animals are allowed in the library. Other animals or pets are not allowed in the library unless approved for a library sanctioned event.


Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult (a person aged 18 or over) in the library. Parents or caregivers must remain in close physical proximity to their children. Parents or caregivers are responsible for monitoring the activities and regulating the behavior of their children so that they do not disturb other library users. Children unattended by an adult may be asked to leave the library; Campus Police may be notified. Unaccompanied middle and high school students working on school assignments or other research may use the library, providing they do so in an orderly manner.

Unaccompanied middle and high school students who are disruptive or who are not working on school assignments may be asked to leave the library.


In support of the University's policy on confidentiality, the NOBLE Confidentiality Policy, FERPA regulations, and the ALA Library Bill of Rights, all Library transactions are considered confidential. We do not discuss with anyone, other than library staff, information about any materials checked out by any patrons. We cannot tell any patron, student, or faculty, who has specific material checked out, including Course Reserve material. If a patron comes to the desk, presents his or her ClipperCard, and asks what materials they themselves have checked out, we can look up their record and tell them.

We cannot tell them what anyone else has checked out.

Emergency Closings

If the University closes due to poor weather conditions or other emergency conditions, the library will be closed. If the Library should close or have a delayed opening, it will be noted on the library hours webpage. University closures are announced on:

Radio: WEFX 1230 AM, WRKO 680 AM, WBZ 1030 AM, WMWM 91.7 FM

Television: Channel 4 WBZ, Channel 5 WCVB, Channel 7 WHDH, Channel 56 WLVI

Salem State University Web Page:

University closures will also be announced via the Salem State Community email list.

Faculty Proxy Cards

A Faculty Proxy card is a second card issued in a faculty member’s name. The card would be used by graduate/research assistants or any other designee. Items checked out on this card would receive faculty due dates (5/1, 12/1). The card could be used to request interlibrary loan material in the faculty’s name; however, the materials would receive the usual ILL due dates. The faculty member agrees to be responsible for all items checked out on this card. Faculty members are asked to inform staff if they wish to have borrowing privileges on the card rescinded for any reason (e.g., student no longer works for them). Faculty Proxy cards are valid for one semester. The card may be used again, but a new form must be filled out if the proxy holder has changed.

Instruction Room Use Policy

The primary purpose of the library instruction rooms is for librarians to provide information literacy instruction for academic departments. For this to happen, librarians must have priority over other bookings. Library classrooms may be available to faculty and staff, with the following provisions:

  • Instruction rooms may be reserved only after the first five weeks of the semester. The first five weeks of the semester are reserved for librarian instruction use only.
  • Rooms are also not available from Reading Day to the end of finals each semester, as they are used for extra student study space.
  • Single, one-time bookings can be made for room 107 and 214 no more than 72 hours in advance. Room 107 has 20 computer stations for students, a large flat-screen display, and an instructor’s station. Room 214 has 42 computer stations for students, two large flat screen displays, a HyFlex unit, and an instructor’s station.
  • Classroom 215  is used for library specific programming and is not reservable by outside departments.
  • Faculty and staff should contact the Library Help Desk if any issues with the room arise.
  • Rooms must be left in the condition in which they were found. This includes cleaning writing from walls and whiteboards, picking up trash, turning off the projector, and removing all handouts or course materials.
  • Food is not allowed in the rooms, but closed container beverages are permissible.
  • Failure to follow these provisions will result in the loss of future room booking privileges.

Any other inquiries regarding library room use or room reservations should be directed to the Library Administration Office email.


The Berry Library has 42 lockers located on the ground floor that are available to all SSU students. There are also 26 lockers located in the Faculty Research Reading Room that are available to all SSU faculty. Current Salem State University Students may request to use a locker at the Library Help Desk.

  • Lockers may be checked out for the current semester with your valid ClipperCard.
  • The library will not be responsible for articles left in lockers.
  • All library circulating materials must be checked out before being placed in the locker.
  • No reference books, serials, or library use only reserve books may be kept in a locker.
  • The library retains the right to check lockers periodically for library materials.
  • Key cards must be returned before leaving campus for the semester and before graduation.
  • You are responsible for a $45 replacement fee if the key is lost or not returned according to the above terms, resulting in loss of locker privileges.
  • Items left in locker after due date may be disposed.
  • Failure to comply with these rules will mean suspension of locker privileges

Lost & Found

Unattended personal belongings such as keys, eyeglasses, notebooks, gloves, hats may be forwarded to Lost & Found at the Library Help Desk. Most unclaimed items will remain in Lost & Found until the end of the semester, after which they will be discarded. Any valuable items (jewelry, purse, money, credit cards, etc.) will be held in the Access Services office for 24 hours after which they will be turned over to the Campus Police. Every effort will be made to contact the owner of any lost ClipperCards using the information in our records. If the owner cannot be notified within 24 hours, the ClipperCard will be turned in to the ClipperCard Office.