Current Salem State University students and faculty have priority use over other library users at all times. Library staff may request library users to present their ClipperCards to verify university affiliation. People who are using computers inappropriately may be asked to relinquish them.
Inappropriate use of computers or technology includes: gambling; unauthorized use of computers for financial gain; disrupting the local networks; distributing media containing viruses; illegal uses of licensed databases; accessing materials or sites that may be prohibited by state or federal law; hacking; transmitting or displaying blatantly offensive visual or textual materials which constitute potential sources of sexual harassment of other people in the library.
Software installed on Library computers includes:
For information on ADA resources, please visit our ADA page.
Library Instruction Room 107 (1st floor) and Library Instruction Room 214 (2nd floor) are open to students, faculty, staff, and others as computer labs whenever a library instruction class is not scheduled.
All computers in the labs have productivity software such as the Microsoft Office suite.
Current Salem State University students and faculty have priority use over other library users at all times. Library staff may request to see your ClipperCard to verify your university affiliation. Scheduled classes take priority over all other activities. For more about using these rooms, please see the Library Instruction Classroom Policies.
ITS Computer Labs are located across campuses in the following locations:
The computer labs listed above are managed by the IT Department. ITS Computer lab hours are posted online. ITS computer labs require valid SSU network logins/passwords for use. New students, faculty, and staff who need Navigator or email accounts, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 978-542-2036 or