Archives and Special Collections
Frederick E. Berry Library
Salem State University
352 Lafayette Street
Salem, Massachusetts
We continually strive to grow our collections, preserve them, and make them accessible to all. We couldn't accomplish this without the support of our community and donors. Whether you have made a monetary contribution or donated items to our collections, we are so thankful for your generosity.
If you would like to donate funds, please follow the directions below.
If you would prefer to donate by check, please make it out to the Salem State University Foundation
and write “Archives Gift Fund” in the memo section.
Salem State collects archival and rare materials in several specific areas of research, most notably:
the history of Salem State University and its predecessor institutions (Salem Normal School, Salem Teachers College, and Salem State College), the history of the City of Salem; including the collections of individuals, organizations, and businesses, and materials related to Essex County politics and public affairs.
Materials should not be delivered to the Archives without prior written approval from the Archivist.
If you would like to donate materials, please use the form below.
Additional Information on Donating to a Repository
A Guide to Deeds of Gift
What a Deed of Gift is and what it does.
Donating Your Personal or Family Records to a Repository
Understanding the donation process, what materials to donate, and what a repository can do for you.
Donating Your Organization's Records to a Repository
Understanding the donation process, what materials to donate, and what a repository can do for your organization or business.