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Frederick E. Berry Library and Learning Commons

Making a Bibliography in APA Format Using EndNote

Getting Citations into EndNote Basic

Step One

Before proceeding, create an EndNote Basic account as shown in the page "Making a APA-formatted Bibliography in EndNote: Essentials."

Then, come back to this page!

All Berry Library databases have an "export" function that will send citations to EndNote Basic. 

  • Begin with searching a database and finding a citation for an article you would like to include in your paper.
  • Begin at the Library home page,


Step Two

  • In the list of databases that appears, click "Academic Search Complete." This example shows me clicking on the quick link on the right side of the screen:


Step Three (For searching from off-campus)

  • If you're searching from off-campus, you will have to put your Salem State credential into the Proxy Server.
  • If you're on campus, you will not be asked to do this. 
  • You will go directly into the database.


Step Five

  • Once your database opens (in my case, Academic Search Complete) enter your search terms.
  • I began with "happiness" and the database suggested a way to add to it:


Step Six

  • I got these results. I looked at the first citation:

Step  Seven

  • This is a close up of the citation. 
  • I want to get it into EndNote Basic.
  • So, I go to the "Export" link on the right side of the citation:

Step Eight

  • Find "Export" on the right side of the screen.
  • Click it

Step Nine

  • Fill out the drop down form that appears exactly as this shows.
  • This moves your citation to a file on your computer called RIS.txt.
  • When you go into EndNote Basic, you will upload this file.

Step Ten

  • Open EndNote Basic.
  • Go to "Import" to import the file you've just exported from Academic Search Complete.


  • Your citations are now in EndNote Basic.
  • Go to "Step Two" in the accompanying page "Using EndNote Basic" to create a folder, moving references into it, and creating a bibliography.