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Making a Bibliography in APA Format Using EndNote


  • This tutorial shows how to find articles on climate change and fake news in the Academic Search Premier library database.
  • Once we find articles, we will select about ten of them and export them to EndNote.
  • We will then import this file into EndNote.
  • In EndNote, we will create the Group "Climate" for the new citations and move them into it.
  • Finally, we create a bibliography, in APA format, of citations in our group "Climate."
  • Because we are using the free version of EndNote, only APA 6th edition is available.

Finding Citations in Academic Search Premier

At the Berry Library home page, select "Academic Search Premier" in the drop list of "Alphabetical List of Databases."

  • Click "GO."


Off Campus Users: Enter Your SSU Credentials in the Proxy Server

If you are accessing the Berry Library from off-campus,

  • you will be prompted to enter your SSU username/password before you can search Academic Search Premier.
    • This verifies that you are a member of the Salem State community and therefore entitled to use library databases.

Enter Search Terms in "Advanced Search" in Academic Search Premier

  • Once Academic Search Premier opens (either right away if you are on campus, or after you enter your credentials in the Proxy Server), go to the "Advanced Search" link:

  • Enter your search terms "climate change" and "fake news" in two different lines on the Advanced Search template. 
    • Notice the "AND" to the left of where you key in "fake News."
      • This shows that a Boolean "AND" search will be executed. Records will have both concepts: climate change and fake news.
    • Notice that as I begin entering my terms, Academic Search Premier suggests additional, enhanced options. 
    • Select one!
    • Also, click the "Select a Field" dropdown and select "SU Subject Terms." Make this adjustment for both climate change and fake news. This makes the search more precise.






  • After I have my final search, I press "SEARCH."






  • We get 16 results.
  • The set is small because we limited our search to "SU Subject Terms." This means that we only get articles which have both climate change and fake news in the subject fields. 
  • Our results are right on target.
  • I check the Limit to "Full Text" box on the left of the page to articles in the Berry Library collection.
  • Notice that I have not adjusted the dates of our search. The set is small. There is no need to do this.
  • This means I can begin reading right away!


Limiting our results to full text reduces the total to 11.

The Full Text Limit Box:

  • Below "Limits" is more useful information about our search results: 
    • Source Types
      • Shows where your results are published
      • We only have two academic articles. The rest are from magazines. 
      • This suggests that we might execute a new search in a more scientifically-oriented database once we have finished this search in Academic Search Premier.
    • Subject
      • Shows terms to help you refine your next search
      • Clicking "More" leads to a new window with clickable terms



  • I browse the list of articles and click the yellow "Folder" icon on the right side of the page to save the ones I like.


Selecting Articles and Putting Them in a Folder

  • Once I have all the articles I want, I click the Folder View, and "Select All"
    • The first screen shot shows where I clicked "Folder" at the top of the page.
    • The second shot shows where I "Select All.'
    • The third shot shows more of the references in the Folder.









Exporting Citations to EndNote

Step One

  • To the right of the citations in my folder is a list of tools.
  • Click on "Export."
  • This will move citations in our folder to a file that can be imported into EndNote.

Step Two

  • A box opens confirming the exporting of selected articles:

  • A second box opens in the middle of the page.
  • It provides choices of export locations.
  • Click the button marked:


  • Exporting has begun!
  • Look for a file with a .ris extension on your computer. 
  • My file has the Z icon because I have Zotero (another citation management system) installed. 
  • Your file most likely will just say: 
    • "delivery (1).ris"

Importing the RIS Citation File into EndNote

  • In EndNote, click "Collect" and "Import References." 
    • A template appears.
    • Fill it out as the example below show.
    • Click "Import."
    • Please email with help here!

  • We receive a confirmation that eight references were imported into EndNote:

Making a Group for Newly Imported References

  • Clicking on "My References" shows the new citations:

  • Click on "Organize" and "Manage My Groups" 
    • Click "New Group."

  • Create a new group "Climate."


  • Go to your References, select all, and move to the new Climate group:

Making a Bibliography in APA Format


Go to "Format" in the ribbon above your references.

  • Click "Bibliography."

Enter data in the drop down boxes that open.

  • Select the references you would like included in the bibliography. In our example, we are working with the entire "Climate" file.
  • Select "APA" format.
  • Because we are using the free EndNote application, APA 7 is not available. 
  • Select either "text" or "rich text format" for the bibliography output. Both of these will open in Word or other document processing programs.
  • When you are done, click "Save," "Email," or "Preview."

This is what "Save" produces: