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Frederick E. Berry Library and Learning Commons

Social Work

A guide to Social Work resources and library research.

Citation Help & Tools


APA 7th Edition HELP:

Excelsior College Online Writing Lab's APA Style Guide 

  • The links listed down the left sidebar of this page can direct you to the help you need. 
  • You can find help with in-text citations and your bibliography. 
  • The page  Article from a Database will be especially useful for citing articles from a database in your bibliography/references/works cited.



Mendeley  A free research management tool for desktop and the web.

Zotero  A free Firefox extention to help you collect, manage and cite your sources.

For more in-depth help you can contact SSU's Mary G. Walsh Writing Center


Print Resources

Citation help available in the Reference collection:

Why Proper Citation is Important


·         If you do not cite properly, you are claiming someone else’s work as your own.  Whether intentional or not, this is plagiarism.  By citing someone’s work you acknowledge and respect their intellectual property rights.


·         Your list of works cited helps someone reading your paper learn more about your topic by seeing the original sources you used for your research.


·         How scholarly your paper is and how knowledgeable you are on your topic is shown in the citations you include in your writing.  Citations can reflect support for a point you are trying to make, therefore adding credibility to your arguments.  They make your writing more persuasive.


·         Citations, as long as they are relevant, reflect how deeply you have researched your topic.  They are an indicator of your effort.


General Research Guide.  Paul J. Gutman Library at Philadelphia University. 3 March 2008. 

Research Ethics

Image from Orietta.sberla