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Open Educational Resources: Grant Opportunities for Faculty

A guide for faculty to assist with finding and adopting quality Open Educational Resources that help reduce the cost of course materials for students


1. OER Adoption Mini-Grants AY 2024
Call for proposals: Course development stipend of $500 
Applications CLOSED (applications were due December 8, 2023). 


Salem State's Viking OER & Textbook Affordability Initiative is seeking applications from faculty who are teaching with or are planning to teach with Open Educational Resources and/or library-licensed content in Summer/Fall 2023 or Spring 2024.

Grants of $500 each are available for up to 15 faculty who are teaching "no-cost" courses, where the total cost of course materials for students is $0 or "low-cost" courses, where the total cost of course materials for students is $50 or less.

Eligibility: All full-time and part-time (adjunct) faculty who are teaching in Summer/Fall 2023 or Spring 2024.

Deadline: Applications were due December 8, 2023. Go to the OER Adoption Mini Grant Application to apply. Applicants will be informed of grant award decisions by Friday, December 15, 2023

Questions: Contact Annette Chapman-Adisho (, Faculty Fellow for OER & Textbook Affordability and Professor of History or Elizabeth McKeigue, (, Dean of the Library.



2. OER Creation Support Grant AY 2024
Call for proposals: Financial support for an OER creation project of up to $3,000 
Applications CLOSED (were due October 14, 2023). 


Salem State's Viking OER & Textbook Affordability Initiative is seeking applications from full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty who are currently working on creation of an Open Educational Resource (OER). 

Grants of up to $3,000 are available for two projects. 

Eligibility: Full-time tenured or tenure track faculty

Deadline: Applications were due October 14, 2023. Applicants will be informed of grant award decisions by Friday, October 27, 2023.

Questions: Contact Annette Chapman-Adisho (, Faculty Fellow for OER & Textbook Affordability and Professor of History or Elizabeth McKeigue (, Dean of the Library.