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This page lists and describes articles and databases for management research at the Salem State Library. When you access a database or article/journal title from off-campus, you will be prompted to enter a username and password.  Your username and password are the same as those used for SSU email and Navigator.  Go to A-Z Database List for a full list of library databases. 

  • Management research involves theories and studies about how people behave in the workplace. 

  • It involves human resources and organizational change and behavior.

Key Databases To Start

Related Databases For More Articles

List of Journals

Find journals, magazines, and newspapers by title by using our periodicals directory. The library has a wide range of journals, magazines, and newspapers in print or online through databases.

Scholarly Articles

A scholarly article is basically a formal presentation of original research.
Scholarly articles have many features which distinguish them from popular or secondary sources. In evaluating whether an article is scholarly, you should look for:
  • The publication source is usually a periodical (journal). 
  • The article is highly structured, usually with an abstract, introduction, methods, results and conclusion. 
  • Specific, technical or scientific language is used.
  • Original research is being presented for the first time. 
  • The authors have their affiliations noted (university, organization...).
  • There are citations within the text and a set of references at the end

Peer-Reviewed Articles

"Peer-reviewed" describes the process an article has to go through before it can be published in a specific journal. 
When a piece of research is submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, a panel of researchers with a similar focus judge the research by various criteria
The article must be reporting original research that adds to the body of knowledge for the subject. The research must be reproducible, ethical and unbiased. Methods must be properly controlled and the conclusion must be reflective of the results. 
Some journals are a lot harder to get published in than others and this adds to their prestige. 

Primary Literature

What is "primary literature"?
  • Primary literature refers to ideas that are revealed in a public forum for the first time. Much of the primary literature appears in journal articles. Conference papers, reports, abstracts, and preprints are additional sources of primary literature.
  • Staying current with the primary literature in a specialty enables researchers to fully understand the scope of developments in their field and to avoid duplication of work.
Is primary research available on the web?
Many government agencies are sources of highly reputable scholarly research reports and journal articles. Conference papers, reports, abstracts, and preprints are additional sources of primary literature.

Can't Access Full-Text Articles?

Inter-Library Loan is a great way to get pretty much anything you want from any library in the world.
You just need to fill in an easy online form and the librarians will do the work for you.
Enter '0' in the payment field.
The item will generally get to you within a few days - books will need to be collected from the library and articles will normally be e-mailed to you as a PDF.