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Frederick E. Berry Library and Learning Commons

Analysis of Sparacio Book Donations for Collection

Work in Progress!

Relation of Nunez Cabeza de la Vaca

  • Reader reprint of Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca. Translated from the Spanish by Bucking Smith, New York, 1871. 
  • Reviews not found.
  • Scholarly article that discusses the book: Chipman, Donald E., and Robert S. Weddle. “How Historical Myths Are Born...... And Why They Seldom Die.” The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, vol. 116, no. 3, Texas State Historical Association, 2013, pp. 227–58,

  • Collection information:
    • Quality item: Yes
    • Held by Berry Library:
      • No. 
    • Add to collection?
      • Possibly, (NCD), pending approval of C. Zoppel, Art History Liaison