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Importance of Archaeology

Professo Minett, ENL109, Fall 2022

Step One: Enter key words: archaeology and China

  • Enter your keyword: archaeology and modify with terms like significance, value, etc. as necessary.
  • If desired, search for archaeology and China.
    • There are very interesting results.
  • Notice that the database suggests ways to modify and enhance your original terms.
    • Use one of these if you prefer.


Step Two: Limit results by full text and date

  • Once search results appear, use "limits" in the left side of the page to make adjustments for:
    • full-text articles
    • articles published within the past 20 years 
  • The search will update itself.
  • Click "Search" to proceed.


Step Three: Browse Article Citations, Open PDFs of Interesting Ones

  • Browse the list of article citations. 
  • Select ones of interest.
  • If there is an abstract, scan it to see if you want to read the entire article.
    • If you do, click the PDF icon or "Find Full Text" box to read the article.


Step Four: Read the article

  • Read the article, following Professor Minett's suggestions for writing summaries and responses. 

Step Five: Print, email, or download articles you want to keep

  • Using the selections in the Tool Bar on the right side of the page, print, email, or save (download) your article of interest:
