Salem State belongs to the NOBLE consortium, a group of about 40 libraries in northeastern MA.
Use the dropdown menu to select "Salem State University Frederick E. Berry Library."
Many titles are ebooks!
Though you will find many helpful books in the Berry Library Collections - print and electronic - you will often identify titles Berry Library does not own.
Do not despair!
Berry Library can borrow books from other libraries for you to use.
Often, these books can be renewed.
If you should need them longer than the lending period, the Interlibrary Loan staff will be happy to request the book from another library.
The link above will show what information you need to supply.
Key tips: For the question "The maximum amount you would be willing to pay should there be a cost to obtain the material," put 0.
There is seldom a charge for Interlibrary Loan materials.
In the unlikely event that there is a modest fee, the Interlibrary Loan staff will always check with you first.
Word of advice: Have your Clipper Card ready.
The barcode on the back of the card is your Berry Library card number.
It is critical to making a successful Interlibrary Loan request.
Contact Librarian Nancy Dennis at; 978-542-6218; 978-587-1312 (cell)
Select "Unlocked," "Free," and "Open Access" to read books.
If ou would like to read a title that is not available to you online, request it from another library via Interlibrary Loan.
WorldCat, a union catalog of the collections of 17,900 libraries in 123 countries and territories, is the world's largest bibliographic database. Check the holdings link to see if a title is available in Berry Library. If it is not, submit Interlibrary Loan request. The book will be sent from another library.
Off-Campus Access to Databases
While on campus (in Berry Library, a residence hall, or a courtyard) you will be able to directly access library databases.
However, when you try to research away from the boundaries of Salem State's campus network, you have to show our system that you are a member of the Salem State community. This is what you do:
Using Databases Off-Campus
When prompted, use your Salem State network/wireless network user name & password to log into resources when you're off-campus.
Students, use your Navigator login credentials.
Faculty, use your Polaris login credentials.
If you've forgotten your password, use the "Forgot Password?" links on the Navigator and Polaris login pages.