- TOPIC #1 (films from the "studio" period):
- Select one "female" (cisgender or transgender)-centered film (“gothic”; “detective”; “noir”; social comedy (aka "comedy of manners" or romantic comedy); or coming-of-age narrative).
- Find three (at least) credible and relevant online articles and/or reviews about the film.
- With an emphasis on analyzing the connections between gender and genre, write an essay in which you discuss why and how your research contributed to your appreciation of (and/or knowledge about) the selected film title and the film's principal genre. [For the assignment’s required structure, please refer to the “Prompt for the Personalized Research Paper."
- TOPIC #2 (post-studio period films):
- Select one relatively recent or contemporary "detective"; “neo- gothic”; “neo-noir”; "social comedy" (i.e., "comedy of manners"; or romantic comedy); or coming-of-age film. This film must have a central "female" (cisgender or transgender) character ).
- Find three (at least) credible and relevant online articles and/or reviews about your selected film.
- With an emphasis on analyzing the connections between gender and genre, write an essay in which you discuss why and how your research contributed to your appreciation of (and/or knowledge about) the selected film title and the film's apparent genre.