Miller, B. (Choreographer). (2021, June 5). This is for Kathleen. The Salem Arts Festival. [Live Performance]. Salem, MA.
Miller, B. (Choreographer). (2021, September 14). Undercurrents. Salem State University Faculty and Guest Artist Dance Concert. [Live performance]. Sophia Gordon Center, Salem, MA.
Miller, B. (Choreographer), Swanson, P. (Composer), & Scrimgeour, J.D. (Text). (2021, September 14). Telephone call with an Exquisite Corpse. Salem State University Faculty and Guest Artist Dance Concert. [Live performance]. Sophia Gordon Center, Salem, MA.
Miller, B. (Choreographer). (2021, September 25). The triumphant return of Sideshow Susan: Small moves big picture. [Live performance]. School for Contemporary Dance & Thought, Northampton, MA.
Miller, B. (Choreographer). (2021, May 16) Self portrait as a geranium. Mass Poetry Festival. [Pre-Recorded Performance]. Salem, MA.