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Meghan Mclyman
McLyman, M. [Meghan Mclyman]. (2019, Nov. 1). Ladylike [Video]. YouTube.
McLyman, M. [Meghan Mclyman]. (2019, Sept. 2). Salt [Video]. YouTube.
McLyman, M. [Meghan Mclyman]. (2019, June 9). Power to the Girl [Video]. YouTube.
McLyman, M. (Chor.). (2019, December). Salt. Dance performance at the Winter Wonder, Teaching Artists Showcase, The Dance Complex, Cambridge, MA.
Mclyman, M. (Chor). (2019, September). Salt. Dance performance at the Dance Faculty and Guest Concert, Salem State University, Salem, MA.
McLyman, M. (Chor.). (2019, July). Salt. Dance performance at the Somatic Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Hobart and William Smith College Geneva, NY.
McLyman, M. (2019, March). Salt. Dance performance at the Third Life Choreographers Series Somerville, MA.
McLyman, M. (2019, March). Salt. Dance performance at the Accumulation Dance Guest Concert, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA.
McLyman, M. (2019 January) Salt. Dance Performance at the One Minute Solos, Lilly Pad, Cambridge, MA.
Duffy K. & McLyman, M. (Chor.) (2019, September). Ladylike. Dance performance at We Try To Live Together, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA.
Duffy K. & McLyman, M. (Chor.) (2019, September). Ladylike. Dance performance at the Dance Faculty and Guest Concert, Salem State University, Salem, MA.
Duffy K. & McLyman, M. (Chor.) (2019, July). Ladylike. Dance performance at the Somatic Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Hobart and William Smith College, Geneva, NY.
Duffy K. & McLyman, M. (Chor.) (2019, June). Ladylike. Dance performance at the Salem Arts Festival. Old Town Hall, Salem, MA.
Duffy K. & McLyman, M. (Chor.) (2019, May). Ladylike. Dance performance at Dancing in the Galleries, Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA.
Duffy K. & McLyman, M. (Chor.) (2019, March) Ladylike. Dance performance at the Accumulation Dance Guest Concert, College of the Holy Cross. Worcester, MA.
Duffy K. & McLyman, M. (Chor.) (2019, February). Ladylike. Dance performance at NACHMO, the Dance Complex, Cambridge, MA.
McLyman, M. (2019, June). Power to the Girl. Dance performance at Across the Ages Dance Multigenerational ensemble, Boston University, Boston, MA.
McLyman, M. (2019, April). Artopia. Dance performance at Ensemble, Peabody Essex Museum Dance Improvisation, Salem, MA.
Duffy, K., McKinley, C., McLyman, M. & Waguspack, J. (2019, March). Disjointed Tales of a Woman. Dance performance at the Accumulation Dance Guest Concert, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA.
Duffy, K., McKinley, C., McLyman, M. & Waguspack, J. (2019, March). Disjointed Tales of a Woman. Dance performance at Dances At Noon, Tufts University, Medford, MA.