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MAT123: Mathematics for Elementary and Early Childhood School Teachers: ERA Overview

Welcome to Education Resource Area

2 nd floor, Salem State University Frederick E. Berry Library

Education Resource Area

Education Resource Are Updates

Virtual Library Help Desk

3 ways to ask your questions online

  1. Email
  2. Create a Library Service Desk ticket via SSU's online help portal
  3. Chat with usAccess Chat Service: Library Ticketing System

Call and leave a message at the following phone numbers and someone will get back to you asap:

Library Help Desk: 978.542.6230
Reference Help Line: 978.542.6766

Resources such as research assistance, subject guides, and other useful services have been compiled by Library staff.

Education Resource Area and Library Makerspace

Education Resource Area

Education Resource Area Map

ERA Resources: Databases, Librarians and Collections

TeachingBooks is an easy-to-use website that adds a multimedia dimension to the reading experiences of children's and young adult books. The database is developed and maintained to include thousands of resources about fiction and nonfiction books used in the K–12 environment, with every resource selected to encourage the integration of multimedia author and book materials into reading and library activities.

Mometrex eLibrary

Collection of test prep resources. Are you taking any MTEL tests? Check this database for test preparation materials.

Database - Education Research Complete

Provides full-text access to more than 750 journals, 100 books, and conference papers on all aspects and levels of education since 1983 with monthly updates. Particularly useful for Education and Social Sciences. This database includes the database Education Abstracts.

Education Research Complete

Education: Childhood Education and Care

This guide supports the Salem State University's Childhood Education program at the School of Education.


Education: Secondary and Higher Education

A guide to a select list of library (and other) resources in print and electronic form in secondary and higher education

Secondary and Higher Education

Education Resource Area Map

Education Resource Area Map

Education Resource Area

Located in the Salem State University library (2nd floor). ERA provides resources and services to support education programs at Salem State University. The collection includes curriculum, lesson planning, assessment, educational research books, and kits.

Scholastic BookFlix

All the fiction/nonfiction pairs in BookFlix are categorized according to nine themes: Animals and Nature; Earth and Sky; Family and Community; People and Places; Music and Rhyme; ABC's and 1, 2, 3's; Adventure; Imagination; and Celebrations. From the Home page, click on one of the nine themes to browse the pairs in each category. Pairs are listed in alphabetical order by story title.


Provides full-text access to articles published from ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) since 1966 with monthly updates. Particularly useful for Education and Social Sciences. ERIC EBSCO contains full-text ERIC documents (past 5 years) and Digests.

ERIC database

Academic Search Complete

An important resource for many academic subjects including the social sciences, humanities, education and more. It includes full text and abstracts for thousands of academic journals. This resource includes content from Academic Search Premier and Academic Search Elite.

Education Week

Online journal focusing on education.

Note: You MUST register as a user using a Salem State University Email address to have full access to the journal.

Education Resource Area

Education Resources

Directions to Education Resource Area Collections and Library Makerspace when you are facing the elevator on the 2nd floor. 

Education resources located in the library (2nd floor) include:

29,000 books are housed as a unit in the second floor Education Resource Area.  Each of these items has Educ. Res. preceding its Library of Congress Classification in the catalog.

For information on additional resources, including databases, please see Childhood Education and Care and Secondary and Higher Education LibGuides.

Education Resource Area is open anytime when the library is open.

SSU Library Hours

Contact and Guide Information

Contact information

Jason Soohoo:  Secondary and Higher Education, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Sports and Movement Science Research and Instruction Librarian.  

978.542.6967 Please contact him to request instructional sessions and for research assistance for his subject specialist areas. 

Rukmal Ryder: Reference Services and Childhood Education and Care Research and Instruction librarian. She is available for library instruction sessions in the Childhood Education and Care department and for research assistance. Schedule an appointment here. | 978.542.6767

This guide is created and maintained by Rukmal Ryder