Makerspaces are spaces designed and dedicated to hands-on creativity and exploration, where people actually make something using a variety of tools and materials. These spaces allow learning to unfold and can foster collaboration, problem-solving and sharing among its users.
SSU Library Makerspace
Location: 2nd Floor in the Education Resource Area.
Check out the key at the Library Help Desk with your ClipperCard.
Choice: Resources for Makerspaces
ACRL/EBSS Makerspace Initiative Learning
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education STEM resources
SSU Librarian Dawn Stahura's Zine Guide
Ultimate Makerspace Guide for Schools and Libraries
250 Makerspace Resources eBook
Ask A Maker Educator YouTube playlist.
A mini-zine is made out of a single 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. This size is perfect for handing out at shows, protests, and meetings.
How to make a mini-zine in English and Spanish.
A quarter-size zine is made by cutting an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper in half. You then use those halves, fold them, and make a zine.
A digest-size zine is the most popular format. You simply take an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and fold it in half.
When putting together your zine, remember the photocopier will impose a 1/2 margin. Make sure that none of your content will be cut off in the 1/2 margin. Here is a template I created that will help with this. Simply print it out, cut out the templates and start creating! Create on one side of the template only and when finished, tape this page down to a blank sheet of paper.