Education resources located in the library (2nd floor) include:
See more information about books and other materials in the Education Resource Area (ERA) of the library.
How to find books, eBooks and videos using the online library NOBLE catalog?
A collection of streaming films and video segments in the humanities & social sciences, business & economics, science & mathematics, health & medicine, technical education, family & consumer sciences, careers & job searching, and guidance & counseling. Closed captions and/or interactive transcripts are available for many, but not all, titles.
Large, streaming video collection.
A large collection of digital archives from US libraries, museums, and archives.
An online collection of 450 online journals publised by Sage. Includes the deep backfile (up to the 2011 titles) collection. Updated monthly.
SAGE Knowledge is home to an expansive range of SAGE eBook and eReference content alongside SAGE Video, containing over 4,600 titles. Content includes reference works, academic books, professional development titles and more. This cross-media platform allows users to search and browse over 10,000 items, video, book and reference titles within the Social Sciences. Updated monthly.
SAGE Stats provides annual measures dating back more than two decades. It features statistical data series created from more than 200,000 government and non-government datasets, covering popular topics of research interest for U.S. states, counties, cities, metropolitan areas, and ZIP codes.
Education Research Print Books in ERA collection
Education Research General and Reference eBooks