Browse the following databases for education background information.
Encyclopedia: eBook
Salkind, N. J. (2010). Encyclopedia of Research Design. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE Publications, Inc. Retrieved from
Access them off-campus with your SSU navigator user name and password.
Search Strategies
Use Boolean Operators, Wildcards, and Truncation to refine your database searches
Use ANDS to retrieve records containing both terms, AND narrow your search. |
Advertising and schools |
OR |
Use OR to retrieve records containing either term. OR broadens your search. |
Soda or soft drinks |
Use NOT to eliminate keywords. Not narrows your search. |
Schools not elementary |
* |
Use * to replace one or more characters at the end of a search term. |
Teen* retrieves teen, teens, and teenager |
() |
Use parentheses () with boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and the terms inside the parentheses will be processed first. |
Advertising and schools and (soda or soft drinks) |
? |
Use ? To replace one character within a search term. |
Wom?n retrieves woman and women