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Building Websites with Weebly

Getting Started with Weebly

Go to

Create an account. Sign up with an email address--it's more secure than using Google or Facebook to create an accont. 

Screenshot of Weebly sign up page.



Weebly will ask if you want to create an online store. Choose "Not Now" 

Screenshot of Weebly page asking "Do you want to sell online?"


Pick a theme.  You can always change this later. 

Screenshot of theme choices on Weebly



If you like  you chosen theme, click "Start Editing." If you want to choose another theme, click "Close"

Screenshot of a Weebly theme template, with choices "Close" and "Start Editing" highlighted.


Now it's time to choose the domain (web site address) of your site. In the dialog box, type in mynamecom370 and press "search"

Weebly will offer you various personalized top-level domain names to purchase, and then a subdomain of, which is free. 

Choose the subdomain

Screenshot of Weebly offering personalized top level domains, and Weebly-branded sub domains.


You're now ready to edit your site.