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Healthcare Studies

A guide to healthcare resources and library research.


Take a look at each dog's profile and select one you want to work with.

  • After reading the brief introduction to the dog you chose, what do you want to know more about? What aspect of the canine/pet parent relationship seems interesting to you?
  •  Develop a research question around this. Decide where you will search for information. (HINT: Try the resources on the Get Started and Find Scholarly Articles pages of this guide) You can use CINAHL, Medline, Medline Plus, Google Scholar, etc. What keywords will you use?
  • Find the following: 
    • One item of background information on your topic
    • One scholarly article

  • Complete the DOG ACTIVITY WORKSHEET as you complete this work



Parents: Brian

Activities: Magnus was adopted when he was 1.5 years old as the family pet. When Brian's 8-year-old daughter, Riley, was diagnosed with severe juvenile arthritis, he had to give her daily injections that caused Riley severe anxiety. Magnus  immediately took stock of the situation, realized that a person was in distress and needed comforting, and immediately went into action. As Riley was hysterically crying, Magnus, on his own, walked over to her and laid by her side, calming her down. Riley’s breath slowed down, the tears seemed to stop, and she was much more relaxed. This was when Brian knew Magnus was more than a family pet and Magnus became certified as a therapy dog.



Parent: Maureen and Chris

Activities: Ivy is a 4 year old French Bulldog. She was born like most pups with four working legs and one big heart. On Ivy's 3rd birthday she woke up in the middle of the night in a lot of pain. Shortly after Ivy was diagnosed with a spinal disease called intervertebral disc disease (also known as IVDD). One major surgery and 24 hours later, Ivy became paralyzed in her back legs. She has a set of back wheels that help her move around in the world. Ivy loves belly rubs, her purple toy unicorn and cheese.



Parents: Julie

Activities: Norbert was adopted when she was 4 months old and named after Hagrid's dragon. Despite only weighing 3-lbs, Norbert loves being around people and making them smile. Norbert was trained by Julie and became a registered therapy dog, volunteering for the last 13-years at the Los Angeles Children's Hospital. Norbert's life purpose is to make others smile.  He works to help those of all ages through a kindhearted project called Norberthood For Good. Everyone who helps me spread smiles is part of the Norberthood!