Database system that provides access to many full-text databases, other resources, and ebooks. is an easy-to-use website that adds a multimedia dimension to the reading experiences of children's and young adult books. The database is developed and maintained to include thousands of resources about fiction and nonfiction books used in the K–12 environment, with every resource selected to encourage the integration of multimedia author and book materials into reading and library activities.
Teaching Books Tutorial
Please use your SSU email address to create an account so that you may access TeachingBooks.
Provides full-text access to articles published from ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) since 1966 with monthly updates. Particularly useful for Education and Social Sciences. ERIC EBSCO contains full-text ERIC documents (past 5 years) and Digests.
All the fiction/nonfiction pairs in BookFlix are categorized according to nine themes: Animals and Nature; Earth and Sky; Family and Community; People and Places; Music and Rhyme; ABC's and 1, 2, 3's; Adventure; Imagination; and Celebrations. From the Home page, click on one of the nine themes to browse the pairs in each category. Pairs are listed in alphabetical order by story title.
NoveList Plus is an online readers’ advisory resource with over 200,000 fiction and readable nonfiction and audiobook titles, for children, teens and adults.
24/7 access to Salem State and NOBLE library consoritum's digital collection of popular and academic eBooks and audiobooks available for downloading and streaming.
An important resource for many academic subjects including the social sciences, humanities, education and more. It includes full text and abstracts for thousands of academic journals. This resource includes content from Academic Search Premier and Academic Search Elite.
Provides full-text access to more than 750 journals, 100 books, and conference papers on all aspects and levels of education since 1983 with monthly updates. Particularly useful for Education and Social Sciences. This database includes the database Education Abstracts.
EBSCO eBook Collection is a collection of over 3000 online books and resource materials available through the web. Many different subject areas are covered including business, buying and selling a home, careers, complete idiot's guides, computer how to books, consumer health, consumer law, psychology, self help, sports coaching, sports how to books, study guides, travel, and web development. Note: The EBSCO eBook Academic Collection is included in this large resource.
The full text of over 190,000 essays providing criticism of literature from around the world, in all genres, and from all time periods from antiquity to contemporary emerging authors. The essays discuss individual authors and their works, literary movements and topics, and the social, political, and historical background that provides contextual perspective for the study of literature. Our access provides access to August, 2016.
Online language learning system.
Search by:
Age of reader, ethnicity genre, languages, publication year, author, illustrator, translator, format, historical period, multicultural, setting, awards, gender, keyword, and point of view.
A collection of tutorials that will help you understand how to search and use our library resources.
Abstracts from books, articles and documents from the Education Resources Information Center, funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Hosted on the EBSCOhost platform.
Text and images from leading journals in the field of education, covering the literature on primary, secondary, and higher education; also includes such areas as special education, home schooling, adult education, and hundreds of related topics.
Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of 520 high quality education journals, including nearly 350 peer-reviewed titles. This database also contains more than 200 educational reports. Professional Development Collection is the most comprehensive collection of full text education journals in the world. Hosted on the EBSCOhost platform.
Provides indexing and abstracts for 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators. Hosted on the EBSCOhost platform.
OverDrive for Kids NOBLE Link:
Sing in as a NOBLE library patron. Use your SSU Clippercard barcode number which is in the back of your ClipperCard.
Libby is a free app where you can borrow ebooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines from your SSU or public library is an easy-to-use website that adds a multimedia dimension to the reading experiences of children's and young adult books. This one stop database provides resources for books you are reading and teaching, including author and illustrator interviews, lesson plans, and other enrichment content.
How to access TeachingBooks Database? Log in here: Please use your SSU student email to create an account or go to
Username: salemstate
Password: reads! (case-insensitive)
Social Justice Subject Heading Resources
Children's Literature and Social Justice Book Awards:
Jane Addams Children's Book Awards, 1953-2022
Boston Public eCard Registration: Sign up for an eCard
Boston Public Library Kids Online Resources
BookFlix is a literacy resource that pairs interactive, fictional video storybooks with related nonfiction eBooks for kids 3-9 years old.
An online hub of 30,000 ready-to-use printable learning resources for every subject, pre-K to 6th grade.
A curricular content hub for K-2 students. Informational articles, activities, and literacy support for students.
Online math eBooks, grades K-6.
Downloadable eBooks and audiobooks for children, including Boston Public Schools summer reading lists.
Helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests. Parents, teachers, and librarians can also find tools to teach with books and engage young readers.
Designed for children in kindergarten through grade 5, this resource includes reference books, news and magazine articles, and audiovisual materials covering a wide range of topics, as well as teacher resources and a translation tool.
Designed for middle school students, this resource includes magazine and news articles, reference books, primary sources, and audiovisual materials covering a wide range of topics, as well as research and writing tips and teacher resources.
Kanopy includes acclaimed movies and documentaries on-demand from award-winning filmmakers. Browse the collection of over 30,000 documentaries, classic films, world cinema, popular movies and films for children of all ages. Users can watch up to 6 titles per calendar month.