Statista provides data about finance, markets, politics, and society across over 170 industries and over 150 countries. Statista integrates data from many sources into one platform with ready-made data tables and visualizations. Sources of information include market research, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. Its Research AI tool references data curated by Statista and accesses GPT-4 Turbo for conversational question & answer, and search. Reach more about how Statista Research AI works.
ProQuest is currently beta testing, but has not yet rolled out, a new AI Research Assistant in ProQuest One databases, Read more on their blog and in this FAQ.
WorldCat searches the combined collections of libraries around the globe. Create and sign in with an individual account to see AI-generated book recommendations. More details on WorldCat's blog.
Many of the AI scholarly literature search tools include features for summarizing the search results and uploading PDFs to be summarized. These tools do not search literature, but will summarize items like documents and videos:
Adobe Acrobat Pro has a beta AI Assistant rolling out in a phased manner. Temple users have free access to Adobe Creative Cloud programs, see Temple ITS' site licensed software page for details.
Allows you to “talk to” an individual PDF file or group of files. Free tier allows 2 PDF uploads per day.
Free tier generates a one sentence PDF summaries and allows unlimited "highlight explanations" (rephrasing passages you highlight) and follow up questions.
Summarizes YouTube videos using ChatGPT and Claude.
It turns academic journal articles into podcasts.
Tool for uploading files and data to a collection (a "brain") that then answers questions based on its LLM and documents in the collection. Quivr can be pulled from Github and set up to run completely locally on a computer with an OpenAI API account (paid, for computation used).
Creates article summaries in the form of AI-generated flashcards with several sections. Free tier allows creating 3 flashcards per day, web browser extension, and exporting to Word.
AI assistant browser extension with daily credits for free accounts. Reads and summarizes webpages, and includes ChatPDF.
Distill lengthy content into concise summaries, including text, PDF, URL, blog, Youtube, and audio
Generate an AI summary of any YouTube video.
Free tier can summarize, query, and extract information from PDFs and .doc files.
AI summarizer and notetaking tool oriented towards writing and content professionals. Free tier offers a limited number of summaries and writing outputs per day. Ask questions of your entire library, but not of individual documents. Includes writing templates for common outputs like social media posts, co-worker communications, and others. Has a browser extension for using on particular webpages.