Looking for state agencies in Massachusetts? Then Mass.Gov is going to be where you start. Looking for a different state? All governmental site should end with ".gov" and are form of the state's name.
Looking for laws or legislators in Massachusetts? Then malegislature.gov is going to be where you search.
Look for your federal and state representatives:
Step 1: Find your 9-digit zip code. Don't know it? Don't worry, Look Up A Zipcode on the United States Postal Service website.
Step 2: Find your elected officials using Project Vote Smart.
Can't find enough policy information about your issue?
Try searching "issue brief" or "policy brief," along with your topic (and "Massachusetts" or "Boston" if you're looking for state/local policies).
Issue and policy briefs are short summaries of a particular issue, policy, or problem.
Also look for reports, overviews, and summaries on your topic.