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EDC 228 Environmental Justice for PreK-8th Curriculum Prof. Mercado: Databases

Spring 2024

Environmental Justice Databases

Opposing View Points


Gale Environment Justice Video Series

"Environmental Justice." Gale Video Series, 8 Nov. 2021. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 18 Sept. 2023.

Environmental Justice Databases

PBS Alexander Street Public Broadcasting Service. The SPILL 

WGBH, E. F. (Producer), & . (2010). The Spill. [Video/DVD] Public Broadcasting Service. Retrieved from

Environmental Justice Topics

  • Ozone

  • Diesel Particulate Matter

  • Air Toxics Cancer Risk

  • Air Toxics Respiratory HI

  • Toxic Releases to Air

  • Traffic Proximity

  • Lead Paint

  • Superfund Proximity

  • RMP Facility Proximity

  • Hazardous Waste Proximity

  • Underground Storage Tanks

  • Wastewater Discharge

  • Climate Change: 

  • Flood Risk

  • Wildfire Risk

  • 100 Year Floodplain

  • Sea Level Rise (NOAA)

From the  EPA's Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool