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EDS 424|824 Curriculum and Assessment in Special Education Prof. Gina Taglieri: Books

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Jayanthi, N. L. N. (2016). Diagnostic Tests in English for Primary School Children. Language in India16(6), 46–53.

Mundia, L. (2012). The Assessment of Math Learning Difficulties in a Primary Grade-4 Child with High Support Needs: Mixed Methods Approach. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education4(2), 347–366.

Crisp, G. (2012). Integrative assessment: reframing assessment practice for current and future learning. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education37(1), 33–43.

Singleton, C., & Henderson, L. (2007). Computerised screening for visual stress in reading. Journal of Research in Reading30(3), 316–331.

Jang, E. E. (2009). Cognitive diagnostic assessment of L2 reading comprehension ability: Validity arguments for Fusion Model application to LanguEdge assessment. Language Testing26(1), 31–73.

Mokhtari, K., Niederhauser, D. S., Beschorner, E. A., & Edwards, P. A. (2011). FAD: Filtering, Analyzing, and Diagnosing Reading Difficulties. Reading Teacher64(8), 631–635.

Harding, L., Alderson, J. C., & Brunfaut, T. (2015). Diagnostic assessment of reading and listening in a second or foreign language: Elaborating on diagnostic principles. Language Testing32(3), 317–336.

Hong Jiao, & Shudong Wang. (2010). A multifaceted approach to investigating the equivalence of computer-based and paper-and-pencil assessments: an example of reading diagnostics. International Journal of Learning Technology5(3), 264–288.

Kilgus, S. P., Methe, S. A., Maggin, D. M., & Tomasula, J. L. (2014). Curriculum-based measurement of oral reading (R-CBM): A diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis of evidence supporting use in universal screening. Journal of School Psychology52(4), 377–405.

Tamboer, P., & Vorst, H. C. M. (2015). A New Self-Report Inventory of Dyslexia for Students: Criterion and Construct Validity. Dyslexia (10769242)21(1), 1–34.

Rindermann, H., & Baumeister, A. E. E. (2015). Validating the Interpretations of PISA and TIMSS Tasks: A Rating Study. International Journal of Testing15(1), 1–22.

McKinney, M. F. (2014). Report: Reading scores for low-income students suffer. Illinois Issues40(3), 14.

Books from the catalog
