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Research Strategies: Assess Information

Assess Information

Assessing Your Information

Don't give yourself information overload!

Sometimes, we're really good at collecting information, without really thinking about what we're going to do with that information. This page will help you think about all the great sources you've found, and help you start thinking about how they fit together, and how you might use them.

Keeping Track of Your Sources

Look back on the sources you've found (citations you've found, etc.) and the notes that you have taken.

Some questions to consider:

  • Are you falling victim to confirmation bias?
  • Are there any alternate viewpoints or voices?
  • Are there any obvious gaps?
  • Have the resources you found met your needs, or do you need to ask another question?

Are there any less obvious gaps in your information? Ask a friend, your teacher, a librarian. Seek out an outside perspective to see if there is something you haven't considered!