Free Environment Lesson Plans - Environmental Education including Climate Education Toolkit
DC Area Educators for Social Justice: Teaching Environmental Justice in Early Childhood
NGSS Engineering Curriculum Lesson Plans
The links are provided by the University of Colorado - Boulder
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Boston Public Library Kids Online Resources
BookFlix is a literacy resource that pairs interactive, fictional video storybooks with related nonfiction eBooks for kids 3-9 years old.
An online hub of 30,000 ready-to-use printable learning resources for every subject, pre-K to 6th grade.
A curricular content hub for K-2 students. Informational articles, activities, and literacy support for students.
Online math eBooks, grades K-6.
Downloadable eBooks and audiobooks for children, including Boston Public Schools summer reading lists.
Helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests. Parents, teachers, and librarians can also find tools to teach with books and engage young readers.
Designed for children in kindergarten through grade 5, this resource includes reference books, news and magazine articles, and audiovisual materials covering a wide range of topics, as well as teacher resources and a translation tool.
Designed for middle school students, this resource includes magazine and news articles, reference books, primary sources, and audiovisual materials covering a wide range of topics, as well as research and writing tips and teacher resources.
Kanopy includes acclaimed movies and documentaries on-demand from award-winning filmmakers. Browse the collection of over 30,000 documentaries, classic films, world cinema, popular movies and films for children of all ages. Users can watch up to 6 titles per calendar month.