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Search Example: MasterFile Premier
- Magazine articles can provide timely coverage of events about social issues. They also published thoughtful opinion pieces.
- MasterFile Premier in EBSCO includes news magazines, general interest magazines, and news articles.
- The following example shows a search for "working moms" and Covid Pandemic and "job loss" in MasterFile Premier.
- The search was limited to full-text articles and those published in magazines after 2016:
- Go to the the Alphabetical List of Databases link on the Berry Library Home page, go to "M," and click on MasterFile Premier:

- Before I can enter the database, I must insert my Salem State username and password into the Proxy Server.
- I'm searching from off-campus, and this is my first time accessing the databases today.
- Entering my SSU credentials will authenticate that I am a member of the Salem State community, and therefore entitled to access the databases.

- I choose "Advanced Search" in MasterFile Premier and enter my search terms on different lines.
- The "AND" in the left margin tells the database to find records with all my search terms.
- This is called a "Boolean search."
- Notice how MasterFile Premier suggests terms for job loss!

- My search results:
- Only two - but they are very useful!
- Opening the citation shows me subject headings to click on for more articles!

- Since we only found two articles, we will not place limits on our search results.
Try It: Search Library Databases that Feature Magazines for Your Topic!