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SOC 250: Public Sociology (Moore): Images

Google Image Search for Fair Use Images

Go to Google

Type your search terms

Click on Images under the Google search box

Click on Search Tools, then click on Usage Rights

Select Labeled for Reuse

Double-check that the image you’ve chosen is genuinely free to use, include any required citation on your blog

Search Creative Commons for Fair Use Images

While most of these image sources are meant to provide freely usable images, please check the exact licensing restrictions carefully.

Use Creative Commons to search Wikimedia and Flickr.  Some definitions:

"Creative Commons is a nonprofit that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.  Its free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work — on conditions of your choice.  It offers an alternative to full copyright."

"Wikimedia Commons is a media repository that is created and maintained... by provides a central repository for freely licensed photographs, diagrams, animations, music, spoken text, video clips, media of all sorts."

"Flickr is a way to store, sort, search and share your photos online. Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license."

Class Exercise

Here is the image I want to use on my blog - link to it then follow questions on your library session worksheet