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ART 708: Research Methods in Contemporary Art: Images


Guide to ArtSTOR


Guide to ArtSTOR



ARTstor is a digital image library containing approximately 300,000 art, architecture and archeology images.



*General Registration

In the upper right hand corner (Gold box that says “Log in to ArtSTOR), click on “Not Registered?”àEnter e-mail and password


ArtSTOR offers its own viewer available for download


After you register for ArtSTOR, Select “Tools” in the upper right corner of the ArtSTOR homepageàselect “Download Offline Viewer”



* OIV (Offline Image Viewer)

            Download the OIV for use in conjunction with ArtSTOR images to show in class. 


Opening OIV will prompt you for a password.

Password/Logon information is the same as logon to ArtSTOR database. 



*Selecting Images

Search for images from the search box.  Note: You must be Logged on to save images

Select an image by clicking on it (The image will be framed in red)

Select the “Organize” tab at the top and select option, i.e., “Save Selected Images to” and choose “New Group”



*Adding Images to OIV

After images are selected and saved, Select “Insert” from the drop-box in the OIV.  Select “Image Group(s) from Artstor” to import saved images recently selected. 


After the images have been imported, click on “Insert” from the drop menu and select “Add a Slide”àDrag images from the ‘palette’ on the bottom of the Image Viewer to the slide frame


*Be Sure to save all work

Images - Primary Sources

Finding photographs and other non-text sources
Going to a major collection of photographs is the best way to find a historic image. Also, use a search engine to try a topic search, such as “Eiffel Tower” or “Ghingis Khan” or “Van Gogh and wheat fields” to find photos, drawings or reproductions of paintings. Some major collections include:

(Courtesy of ALA)